• News

    • GAUDEAMUS 2024 - A Celebration of Graduates

      June 11, 2024
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      "We are the generation that can bring meaningful changes and together we can build a better world. We don't know what the future holds, but we know it's ours! Good luck on this beautiful path... Detalii


      May 31, 2024
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      The academy’s commandant, BG Prof. Eng. Ghiță Bârsan, PhD gave an informative briefing to start the event. During this, he explained the key components of the curriculum at... Detalii

    • Current Concepts in a Globalized World

      May 23, 2024
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      The primary goals of this meeting were to introduce students to native American accents, debate on current topics, and encourage lively... Detalii

    • "Leaders for leaders", BG (in reserve) Hans Damen

      May 20, 2024
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      An exceptional officer with an impressive military career of more than 40 years in the field of defense, the Dutch general... Detalii


      April 26, 2024
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      The primary goal of “CADET 2024” exercise was the practical application of theoretical knowledge, providing the students of the class of 2024 with favorable conditions for planning, leading, and executing military operations that were tailored to the demands of the current... Detalii

    • "Leaders for Leaders", BG David Pack

      April 22, 2024
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      An outstanding officer with an impressive military career, the British general spoke to the cadets about the importance of education, about the work-life balance, about courage and kindness, about... Detalii

    • International Students’ Week of LFA

      April 18, 2024
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      The International Students' Week included lectures, workshops, cultural and social activities. Students gave presentations on their university study programs, teaching and military training facilities, scientific research and recreational facilities, as well as the educational offer... Detalii


      April 17, 2024
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      For the second year in a row, Lt.Col. James Askew brought to the students’ attention current issues on the importance of Cultural Awareness for the accomplishment of missions in... Detalii

    • SECOSAFT 2024 At „Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu

      April 12, 2024
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      This year's edition was attended by 426 students from undergraduate and master's degree programs of universities in Romania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Greece, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, the USA, Turkey and Ukraine, with a number of 311 scientific papers being... Detalii

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